Monday, November 28, 2016

How to Hide Pictures on Android

If you like to use photos to record your life, then you must have many photos on your Android phone. Some of the photos you may not want others to see. How can you do to hide picture and make them invisible? Here’s the methods. You need to find the pre-install file manager on the Android device. There are “My File” and “File Manager”. It is a little difference in the called, but it is OK for you to find it easily. If not, you can also choose the third-party file manager, such as ES File Explorer. Here I will show you two useful methods for you to hide pictures on Android.

Part 1: Create A Hidden Folder on Android 
Part 2: Hide Photos in Folder on Android Phone 

Part 1: Create A Hidden Folder on Android

Have the ES File Explorer download, and launch it on your Android, then follow the steps below.

Step 1.  Find the “New” button on the bottom toolbar and click it. Then a box pops up. Choose the “Folder” to tap. Now you are allow to named the new folder. You need to type “.” first, and the name follow by it. You can use the name like “.Hidden Files”, “.My Hidden Album” or more. It is all decided by you.

Note: Please remember that whatever you would like to name your Android, use the "." at the front. The "." in front of the folder name means that this is a hidden folder.

Step 2. You can also hide this folder in the file manager, what you need to do is tap on the main menu and go to"Settings".

Then you will get the list as shown below, select "Display settings" and uncheck "Show hidden files" to hide them.

Part 2: Hide Photos in Folder on Android Phone

Here’s another method for you to hide the files. Go to ES File Explorer, tap on “New” on the bottom toolbar, and then choose the “ File” in the pop-up window.. Now you are asked to named this new file. Type “.nomedia” as the name and click OK to save the data.

Note: When finishing the creating of a new file named ".nomeida", you can create a new folder and move the photos you want to hide in this folder. And then check the gallery and you will find the photos you just chose hidden. To unveil the photos, you just need to delete the ".nomedia" file.

Using above tips, you can have your pictures hidden easily. If you want to recover deleted photos from Android, you can choose Android Data Recover software.

That's all. Above are two easy ways for you to have the photos hidden. Hope that you can get it. If you get any other good method to hide your Android photos, please feel free to contact us. You can also leave your comment below and let us know. Your ideas are very critical to us. We are looking forward to your feedback.
Read more about pictures manager by click here.

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