Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Goodbye Android! Hello to Google’s new system Andromeda

As we all know, Google has two system, Android and Chrome. Android’s market share is about 85%, which means almost has no competitor, while the Chrome OS, which is desktop OS, only has a little market share. Android is the system for phone and tablet platform and Chrome OS one for its affordable laptop platform, Chromebooks.

All this time, it is rumored that these two system will be merged, and will make a brand new OS which called “Andromeda” according to reports.  What’s more, Android 8.0 is also merged in it. More and more news about this Google Andromeda comes out, we might need to say Goodbye to Android system in near future. 

It is reported that there are two hardware vendors are allowed to use Andromeda development kit. And the first batch Andromeda devices will be revealed in 2017.

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